Vital Strategies
2021 Digital Annual Report
The Project
For their 2021 Annual Report, the Vital Strategies team decided that they wanted to move away from the traditional PDF format and create a custom digital experience that focuses less on the usual check list of items present in most nonprofit annual reports and instead focus more on impact, story telling, and programatic wins. As the lead designer on the project, I was responsible for everything from concept pitching through to UI production and collaborating with our developers.
Role + Responsibilities
Lead Designer
Concepts, Content Strategy, Visual Design, UI Design
Check out all of the incredible work Vital Strategies did in 2021:
The Benefits of a Digital Annual Report
Traditional annual reports are typically very long, and often targeted to a very limited audience – they’re also static with limited content per page. By moving the annual report to a digital experience, Vital was able to better curate the highlights of the year for multiple programs, showcase members of the team, and emphasize the overall goals of the organization in dynamic and engaging ways.
The digital experience allowed us to treat the content per section in a unique way rather than one-size-fits-all. This resulted in the ability to have shorter previews of Board and CEO letters with the option to explore further, an interactive map that showcases programatic wins on the Tobacco Control program, center humans and their stories on the Overdose Prevention Program highlights, focus on data-first for air quality and emphasize key focus areas for Vital Strategies at-large and how all of their programs fit into the plan.
Key Moments
Throughout the experience, there are full screen takeover moments based on the user’s location in the full scroll that bring up section changes – each is either a pull quote around the program area about to be featured or a statement on the state of Public Health.